Spring into Gin presented by Four Pillars 2020

21 October 2020 | 5 min read | venue: Employees Only 9a Barrack Street Sydney, NSW 2000 | cost: $150

published: 08 Oct 2020

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Australia's leading Gin distillery, Four Pillars, in partnership with Sydney's favourite speakeasy Employees Only, would like to invite you to a special evening of indulgence and sensory delights. At 'Spring into Gin', guests will have a chance to experience the new seasons delights curated by head chef, Tom Stott and leading Mixologist, Christine Lam.

Taste the tantalising new Spring menu and Botanical cocktails, Smell the complex fragrant notes of Goldfield and Banks, See the ethereal florals that garnish the venue, Listen to the guidance and knowledge of Gin and Fragrance expertise, all while Feeling as though you're transported to another world.

Go see Spring into Gin presented by Four Pillars 2020.

Spring into Gin presented by Four Pillars 2020 | Sydney

Spring into Gin presented by Four Pillars 2020 is on 21 October 2020. The opening hours are: .. Conveniently located in Sydney.

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Event Details

what: Spring into Gin presented by Four Pillars 2020
when: 21 October 2020
start time/end time: .
venue: Employees Only 9a Barrack Street Sydney, NSW 2000
city/suburb: Sydney NSW

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